General Survey October 2021 – Results

General Survey October 2021 - Results

Wow ! That’s really positive 😍
Thank you ! 
We have read and thought about all your comments, positive and less so. Message received.
Instead of answering every question like we had planned to at first, we’ll just take steps towards what we feel were great points you made.
We encourage you to speak up about any more concerns you may have on our Patreon or in Discord so we could start a discussion

What are we taking away from all this ? 
As expected, a vast majority of you are FoundryVTT DMs and even though DnD5 is the most popular system, we’re glad to be welcoming people from many other games and styles ! 
As for the rest of the questions, you’ve confirmed that we’re doing ok. We’ll carry on creating a bit ov everything with maybe a slight emphasis on generic effects, we’ll keep working on our side projects in our free time as some of you are quite interested.
Apologies for those who didn’t know about these. 
There’s a link for these projects in the Master Post on Patreon and a description on the Content Information page of our website.
Thank you all again for your participation and don’t worry we won’t spam you with polls and surveys. Only every so often to make sure we’re still on the right track

Jules&Ben 🖖